
I love to have fun and just generally be a goofball. I absolutely love to read; I am known as a bookworm, and I love that label. I have a modest book collection started and I am actually trying to expand it and maybe turn it into a library. I cannot fathom a life without books or the ability to read. I love to listen to music and it usually does not matter what kind.

I am a Christian: my posts will be Christian in nature. Because I post about what I’m feeling and learning, I will not apologize for any overtly religious posts or comments I make.

If I do a book review, it is because I have received a free book from Thomas Nelson Publishing in return for writing an honest review of the book. I give my own synopsis of the book and try to avoid spoilers. My theory on book reviews is that people want a short and to the point review rather than a plot description.



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