November 5, 2014

Walls Fall Down

Posted in Book Reviews - Thomas Nelson tagged , at 1:57 pm by Cathy

There is hope. There is freedom.

There is hope for a life to be lived with freedom from addictions and struggles that have always seemed to control your life.

Using the Battle of Jericho to encourage people struggling through life, Dudley Rutherford wrote a book entitled Walls Fall Down: 7 steps from the battle of Jericho to overcome any challenge.

Honestly, I had trouble getting through this book. I don’t know if it was because in the intro Rutherford suggests not to read the book all at once, but to take it in slowly and methodically (my words but same intent). Whenever I see that, I become disinterested because it seems as though this is homework or a textbook that needs to be read for remembering facts for a test later. Or it might have been the dramatic fictional telling of what happened in the Israel camp at the beginning and end of each chapter. Whatever the reason, I just could not muster up a desire to read this book.

That being said, the 7 steps are good and practical (well, aside from trusting God to do things his way; let’s face it, sometimes God is just weird) steps to live everyday by – not just for overcoming barriers/challenges/struggles.

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